Myers Listing Syndication

Create a user interface that allows users to syndicate their real estate listings to other sites, and to display them on Craigslist

Myers Listings Syndication screen
Myers Listings Syndication screen

One of the features in Myers AgentCenter/OriginatorNetwork that I worked on the interface for is the Listing Syndication product. The challenge with this interface was to make it easy for non-technical people to, not just use within the confines of AgentCenter, but for them to take their listings and use it in places that don’t allow direct syndication, such as Craigslist (which specifically prohibits any automated submissions). The solution to this was to take each of the four different layouts for listings within our system and convert them to Craigslist-friendly html, ready to be simply pasted from our application:

Myers Listings Syndication Get HTML dialog screen
Myers Listings Syndication Get HTML dialog screen

Ad on Craigslist

Besides the usual “change color on hover,” “sort by heading” sorts of interaction you expect from a records list table, we needed to denote which listings lacked information required by the sites we syndicate to, so we added a grayed-out style for those records with an alert that tells the user what’s missing and offers them a link back to put the information in. I initially designed this table to allow inline editing for that information but that feature was cut in favor of the simple link.

Other screens from this workflow:

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