alright here’s where I leave it for tonight. I’m thinking my site really needs a layout overhaul and that includes a nice big “featured” article section at the top of the index. Not sure whether to make it a featured slideshow with “non-featured” articles under it or just put the three most recent articles (minus the top feature of course) under it in their own columns with just the one most recent feature article in the big photo area. Thinking three columns, which means individual article pages and the blog page will have more or less the same layout as now but with slightly different widths to comply with the columns. The main paper background is 980px wide which, once you remove the decoration and balance it so the left and right white space is the same, leaves a width of about 860px for the content…not sure if that’s too wide… most of my target audience are likely to be on higher end monitors, but I want to keep mobile in mind…
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