Spiral Knotwork Part 6
Progressing nicely into the next row down of individual threads.
Progressing nicely into the next row down of individual threads.
Moving on into drawing the individual threads. I decided to go for a double thread this time to add some complexity, except perhaps in the innermost spiral where I might leave it a single thread. You can see how the … Continue reading
I’ve finished the rough outlines for the threads in the knot. Normally at this point I would trace them to be sure that it was one thread (or that specific decorative threads are evenly woven, if that’s what I’m going … Continue reading
Now the underlying framework is done. The lines that are currently black act as “complications” in the knot, keeping it from just being a basic boring latticework. The blue lines are edges of the spiral, except inside the innermost blue … Continue reading
Spiral’s base framework, all gridded and dotted up.