Monthly Archives: August 2009

Sad but true.

Interesting fact: Even fifteen some odd years later, Metallica’s Black album is still some of the best music for me to design to. Strange, perhaps, considering the other tops of that list are Bruce Springsteen, VnV Nation, Young Dubliners and … Continue reading

Rockaway Beach

[caption id="attachment_899" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Rockaway Beach, Pacifica, CA"]Rockaway Beach, Pacifica, CA[/caption] Continue reading

Sea Lions

Somehow, when my friend told me sea lions had taken over the end of one of the piers, this was still not what I was thinking:

pics from vacation

just a few quick ones for now. More later.

Waves at Rockaway

Waves at the south end of Rockaway Beach, Pacifica, CA Photo taken in Pacifica, CA, August 12, 2009. Digital photo with color correction.