Monthly Archives: August 2010

AgentCenter and OriginatorNetwork

AgentCenter and OriginatorNetwork AgentCenter (AC) and OriginatorNetwork (ON) were the “back office” program that allowed Myers clients to control their websites and their listings. Most of my work for MGIC was on AC and ON, and on related items (like … Continue reading


Images In addition to creating user interfaces, many of my photographs were featured in template headers and in the Image Library that was available to users. Here are a few of them:

Seelund’s Winning Entry to the Cataclysm Beta Guild Contest

Blizzard had an essay contest to select guilds to participate in the Cataclysm Beta. Rules were, guild leaders only, less that 250 words, tell them why our guild deserves a spot in the beta. Simple enough. And my essay won! … Continue reading