Sunday morning drawing
This is what I’m doing with my Sunday morning (hush. It’s still morning til I decide it’s not…)
This is what I’m doing with my Sunday morning (hush. It’s still morning til I decide it’s not…)
Imagine a giant tiger with the Chesire Cat’s grin, full of sharp teeth, spikes behind the head, and the claws and attitude of a velociraptor… swinging down on you from up in the trees. They’re agile and use speed and sharpness instead of bulk and brute force — perfect for the mascot of a first strike unit. Continue reading
My husband Tony is a budding new designer, and we’ve recently instituted “Photoshop Challenge Days” between us. It’s a great way to practice our skills and do something fun together at the same time. Monday’s challenge was “Pick a movie … Continue reading
Userflows are the foundation from which the interface takes its form. All later parts of the project hang upon them. So what are they? The userflow is a map of how the user interacts with the system, and how the … Continue reading
I’ve got two main forms of amusement: coding and gaming. So it’s probably no surprise that most of my best online work gets poured into my WoW/SWTOR guild, Seelund Trading Co. I’m pretty happy with how the site looks and … Continue reading